
Let's promote your company name and mission to tens of thousands of people. Sponsorship may include these perks:

Contact Robert van de Walle for information about sponsorship opportunities. 

Team Pineapple as Humpbacks of Notre Dame, a climate change themed action, in San Francisco's SFMOMA Soapbox Derby. 

We offer you high quality, personal interactions with people who want to know about your company, your mission, and how your work is making their lives better. As a Sponsor of this year's theme, Trashlantis, your brand and message will be seen by thousands of participants and many more through print and broadcast media, social media,  and our website.  Our umbrella nonprofit, Three Feet of Air, is a 501c3 entity and your contribution is tax-deductible.  

As the winners of the 2022 Kinetic Grand Championship last year,  Team Pineapple will have increased attention on our vehicle and our efforts. One of our team leaders, Dawn Thomas, literally wrote the book on the Kinetic Sculpture Race.  This year's theme brings an important environmental issue to the forefront through pageantry, theater, sculpture, and FUN! Our production is designed to be appropriate for all ages, and will be exhibited at other events throughout California and elsewhere as the opportunities present themselves. We'd love to bring Trashlantis to your event!

To become a Sponsor of Team Pineapple, or for more information, please contact Robert van de Walle .